After extensive research and data analysis, we have prepared one of its own kind, a comprehensive combined list of all the rulers of Pakistan (Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Governor Generals of Pakistan). It will make it easy to understand the history of Pakistan and to compare the performance of our rulers w.r.t. the tenure of their government.
The following first image shows the list of the Presidents, Prime Ministers and Governor Generals of Pakistan arranged by the length of total tenure of their governments.
- Green color represents Presidents
- All three shades of blue color represent Prime Ministers (i.e. Dark Blue for 1st term, Medium Blue for 2nd term and Sky Blue for 3rd term)
- Golden color shows the Governor-General
The following image shows the year-wise distribution of various governments.
- The first column shows years
- The second column shows Prime Ministers
- The third column shows Presidents while from 14 August 1947 to 23 March 1956 this column shows Governor Generals of Pakistan
The image given below shows the number of days of all Presidents, Prime Ministers and Governor Generals of Pakistan in descending order.
In my next article, I will represent some very interesting and informative points about our rulers. So please keep visiting my website.
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