FBR has launched a mobile application 'Tax Asaan' for filing income tax returns of salaried persons more easily. This is a user-friendly, simplified and easy to use mobile app. Now return of income for salaried persons and payment of tax can be made using this mobile application using your smartphones. This is a step towards a complete digitalization of processes in the taxation system.
This wizard-based mobile application will help taxpayers to proceed step by step by using interactive questions for filing income tax returns which will be a lot more beneficial for many new employees who wanted to become a filer. It supports offline filling of income tax returns and the internet will only be needed for submission.
How to Download FBR's Tax Asaan Mobile App
‘Tax Asaan Income Tax Return’ mobile app can be downloaded from Google play store and Apple store.
How to use Tax Asaan App for Filing Income Tax Returns
1. After successful installation of this app, registered users will login using your valid account credentials (username and password as that of Iris). If you are not registered with FBR on Iris then use Iris web portal for new registration. Click here for FBR registration guidelines.
3. You will be redirected to the tax year selection page, select accordingly.
4. Select the applicable category “Resident” or “Non-Resident”, the application will load sources of income page as per residence
status selection.
6. You will be redirected to another page for data entry (i.e. annual salary, amount exempted from tax etc.). Enter details in the provided fields and press 'OK'. You can add multiple sources of income. After adding all information, click on the 'continue' button.
7. Next step is to add tax deductions (which has already been deducted from your salary by your employer or by a bank or on vehicles etc.). On the next page, details regarding selected tax deduction will be entered. After adding all details under tax deductions, click on continue.
8. The application will redirect the user on 'Wealth Statement' page.
9. Enter 'Net Assets Previous Year'.
10. Enter 'Inflows' of the tax year. Also enter 'Expenses' details.
11. After adding assets and expenses details, click on the continue button to reconcile assets. If the application loads reconciliation error page, then click on the back button to correct assets record in order to remove error and process again.
12. On successful reconciliation, click on the 'Continue' button to move to the next step of Declaration.
13. Click on the 'Submit' button to submit a tax return. Please note that you can't edit or modify after submission.
14. On successful submission, you will be redirected to a summary page.
15. If you are facing any problem in the app or menu options are not being shown, check the internet connection and restart the application.
15. If you are facing any problem in the app or menu options are not being shown, check the internet connection and restart the application.
Recommended for You:
- How to file Income Tax Returns Online
- Free Check your Assets Details from FBR Website
- Benefits of becoming Income Tax Filer
FBR is committed to promoting tax culture in Pakistan and to increase tax net.
Syed Shabbar Zaidi tweeted about this app:
Alhumdullilah,FBR will tomorrow launch a ‘Mobile App’ for filing return of income for salaried persons. Now return of income for such persons, including payment of tax, can be made using smart phones. This is a step towards complete digitalisation of processes in taxation system.— Syed Shabbar Zaidi (@ShabarZaidi) September 12, 2019
This mobile app will enable the government as well as private sector employees to file their tax returns without any hassle. With the launch of this mobile application, now salaried persons will not need any paid tax helpers or to deal with any difficult procedure.