If you want to contact with any famous Writers, Columnist, Authors and Anchorpersons....... You may use their personal email addresses, given here. Find Email Addresses of Javed Chaudhary, Abbas Ather, Abdul Qadir Hassan, Asad Ullah Ghalib, Ata ur Rehman, Orya Maqbool Jan, Mubashar Luqman (Luqman), Dr. Aamir Liaqat Hussain..........
Javed Chaudhary javedch100@gmail.com
Abbas Ather abbasather@express.com.pk
Abdul Qadir Hassan abdulqhasan@hotmail.com
Asad Ullah Ghalib ghalib@ghalib.com
Ata ur Rehman ataurrehman46@hotmail.com
Orya Maqbool Jan orya_m@yahoo.com
Mubashar Lucman (Luqman) lucman@wol.net.pk
Dr. Aamir Liaqat Hussain aamerliaquat@janggroup.com.pk
It is highly disgusting that Descon hiring personnel for UAE from India.
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely a slap on the face to all Pakistanis by Descon.